Thursday, June 24, 2010

Top Ten Things Heard on Tour

10. I'm here. I'm alive. Give me my money. -Everyone
9. Don't slam the doors. -Kay
8. Don't start a sentence with "me". - Kendell
7. I've got to poo. -Tyler
6. That's almost as tall as your ego. -Jonathan to Chad
5. Hello. Is your name Michael? -Michael
4. The toilet was clogged, so I used a Pringles can. -Nathan
3. I have a man-crush on Connor. -Jonathan
2. Red Robin... YUM -Everyone
1. Is your director's hair real? -Resident at The Heritage at Cedarfield

Tour Awards

The "I Want to Work" Award - Emily
The "I Can Remove a Tree with My Bare Hands" Award - Nathan
The "Free Hugs" Award - McKenzie
The "Close Call" Award - Mitchell
The "Dr. Pepper" Award - Ally
The "Irish Skills" Award - Cori
The "Sweet Expression" Award - Katie
The "I'm Too Sax-y" Award - Hannah
The "It's Hot" Award - Spencer
The "Hickey" Award - Madison
The "Baby Powder" Award - Yates
The "Stunt Coaster" Award - Hunter
The "Stop a Stranger" Award - Kaylee
The "Ernie Els" Award - Tyler
The "Being Thorough" Award - Erica
The "I Told You So" Award - Wade
The "Enjoying the Cheesecake Factory... Twice" Award - Blake
The "Shopping" Award - Maddie
The "I Wish My Birthday Wasn't On Tour" Award - Ashley
The "Gentleman" Award - Kyle
The "Perky" Award - Savannah
The "I Forgot My Genesis Polo... Again" Award - Collier
The "Scarred for Life" Award - Cameron
The "B-Flat" Award - Lauren
The "Extra Conditioning" Award - Will
The "I Can Make the Entire Choir Cry" Award - Connor
The "Belly Laugh" Award - Sydney
The "Bow Tie" Award - Chad
The "Messiest Room" Award - Jonathan
The "Hands Up" Award - Michael

Day 5 - Thursday, June 24

Today was our fun day. We had a blast at Kings Dominion. There was good news and bad news. The bad news was it got up to 101 degrees today. The good news was that the temperatures kept the crowds down and water was free. Our kids got to ride everything they wanted to. I hope you enjoy the pictures from the day. It was hard to get pictures of everyone since we were divided in groups, but rest assured, we all had a blast.

Tonight's devotion time was led by Madison and Connor. Madison spoke about faith and works. Connor spoke on what success really looks like. We took time tonight to talk about yesterday (since we didn't get a chance to then) and to talk about today. We also spent time thanking our chaperones. We gave the seniors a chance to address the group individually one last time, and gave the rest of the group time to say a word to them. It was another very touching moment. The love this group expresses to one another is so very precious. They are so eloquent and genuine in their words. I was blessed to be a witness to it and am continually blessed to have each one of them in my life.

To lighten the mood, we then gave out awards for the week and the top 10 list. You can check them out on separate posts.

Finally, Connor made the announcement where we are going next year... but you'll have to come on Sunday morning to hear for yourself!

Enjoy the photos!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 4 - Wednesday, June 23

OK, today was my favorite day. We had a longer session at Boaz and Ruth today. These kids continued to work hard today. We enjoyed lunch at the Firehouse again. Martha, Boaz and Ruth's founder, spoke to us again about the organization and why she started it. Afterward, Derriae spoke to us. She is getting ready to graduate from Boaz and Ruth's program. She spoke us about her life before which was drugs, rehab, institutions and jail. While in jail, she gave her life to God. She told us how Boaz and Ruth turned her life around. She now has her GED, a drivers license, and a place of her own. She is also back in the life of her two daughters. She spoke so eloquently, it moved several us to tears. She asked us to continue to pray for the program, and so we corporately prayed for Boaz and Ruth and thanked God for Derriae and her witness to us.

After lunch we toured St. John's Church where Patrick Henry gave his famous "Give me liberty or give me death" speech. Our guide was dressed in wonderful period clothing. He gave us the history of the church and explained what happened there in the late 1700s. To be honest, I have never seen our kids sit that quietly. They were very respectful of the church and to our guide.

After cleaning up, we headed to Ginter Park Baptist Church for a covered-dish meal. The food was wonderful and our hosts were so welcoming. We rang and sang a concert for them. The kids sound better and better every time!

And then, my favorite part. We went to the Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond for our concert for God. In some ways, it reminded me very much of our concert for God in New Orleans, and in other ways it was different. In New Orleans, it was our last concert before coming home. Here, we still have one concert left on Friday. We sang "Witness" and "Sinnuh Man" which Connor directed wonderfully. But after that, tears began to silently flow as we sang "Those Who Wait" and continued into "Create in Me a Clean Heart". Brian and Kendell led us in communion afterward, and the tears began to flow more readily. We then sang "In Remembrance". To be honest, we almost didn't make it through. It was precious to see our seniors so emotional about their last tour. Even more precious when siblings began to cry as well, and then friends. We sang with joy through "The Easter Song". But, as we closed with "God Be in My Head", we didn't make it. It fell apart. We stood in a circle, held hands, looked into the faces of those we love, and we cried.

We spend a lot of time together working, singing and playing. But there comes a time on each tour when it becomes more intimate. Tonight we cried because we realized we are family. It was a precious moment, and I wish my words could be adequate enough to describe it. They aren't.

The past few nights on tour, when it's time to get ready for bed, the kids mostly go to their rooms to hang out. Tonight, we spent it in the hallway. We had the best time laughing and fellowshipping together. It was such a wonderful time. Fortunately, we pretty much have the floor to ourselves, so hopefully we weren't disturbing anyone.

Enjoy the pictures. I'm so thankful to Mr. G for his wonderful art!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 3 - Tuesday, June 22

I don't know how it is in Mount Holly, but here it is HOT!!! We had another hard day at Boaz and Ruth. We worked on the same projects, but rotated a few of our people around. You can be so proud of this group. They have been tremendous workers. We've had a little blood, lots of sweat, but I don't think any tears.

After another wonderful lunch at the Firehouse, we had free time this afternoon. We had a few hit the exercise equipment. Some hit the pool. It was hilarious to see all the 6th grade boys (or as they like to constantly remind me... rising 7th graders) hanging off of Connor. He had his work cut out for him. Tyler and Jonathan came over to help out, though. I reminded Connor of a Drastic Measures Tour where the three of them as 5th and 6th graders were hanging all over Brian in the pool. It's so neat to watch these youth grow up. We had a few watching World Cup Soccer and others finishing their round of putt-putt in the hotel hallway.

Some of us ventured to the mall. I went along strictly for chaperoning purposes. :-) Hannah enjoyed checking out the iPad (I'm sure that will end up on a wish list at some point). Yates lost a tooth. Kyle, Collier and Blake went into a store, and didn't realize at first it was a Christian store. They were talking with the staff, and they asked asked the guys if they had been in the store before. Kyle told them no and that we were a youth group from Mt. Holly doing mission projects and singing concerts to tell others about Christ. The guys working there offered to pray for our group. It was a pretty cool experience for them, and I was so proud of them for telling others about what we were doing.

Tonight's meal was a Red Robin (YUM). The kids had been pushing hard all day to go there. I'm glad it worked out! Good food, great times! Ashley was a little embarrassed because the staff found out it was her birthday. But, she got free ice cream, so it worked out okay!

Tonight's concert was at The Hermitage at Cedarfield. What a nice place! One of the things I was impressed about tonight was how the ENTIRE GROUP helped unload all of our equipment (bells and tables included) without having to be told. They all dug in and helped. Exodus II rang so well, which is saying a lot since we hadn't practiced in two weeks. The kids sang extremely well. I can't wait for you to hear them on Sunday! You are going to be so impressed.

Tonight's devotion was led by Erica. She used Exodus 4 and the example of Moses of how challenges in ours lives help us grow in our faith. We then spent time in small groups praying for the needs of others. You know, their ringing and singing always impress me. But now that I think about it, it's their sweet spirits that impress me the most. Man, I love these kids!!!

Enjoy the photos!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 2 - Monday, June 21

What an awesome first full day of tour! We began our morning at the Boaz and Ruth mission project. Different groups worked on different projects. We painted, dug holes, fixed holes others had dug, moved posts, worked in the clothing store, and organized items for an estate sale. Before we began work, one of the volunteers spoke to the group. He had just finished a 10-year prison sentence. He didn't have anywhere to go, and Boaz and Ruth took him in. They have provided classes and support. He's putting his life back together. He said this has been the first time in his life he has experienced people caring, just because.

For lunch, we ate at Firehouse, which is Boaz and Ruth's cafe and followed that with a concert for the volunteers. We were outside. It was HOT. There was noisy traffic passing by. There was construction going on. Our singing wasn't the best because it was so hard to hear. But during devotions, we talked about how God works through all of that. Our audience was small, but our message was big. And, the man who spoke to us earlier attended and walked away with tears.

Our second concert was at Spring Arbor of Salisbury... a retirement center. We had two residents tell us they had lived there a year and a half and had not had a better group come in to sing. The kids sang beautifully. The concert is really starting to "click". They interacted with the residents so loving, too.

Dinner was at Bottoms Up Pizza. WOW! It was good! I think any type of pizza we wanted was out for us. We had a private balcony to eat on, so the atmosphere was wonderful. We ended the evening with a movie. Mixed reviews on the movie, but we all agreed the theater was FABULOUS! It looks like a theater from the 20s. There were elaborate chandeliers, paintings, an orchestra pit and a pipe organ. Of course, back in that era, movies were silent, so an orchestra was needed.

Cameron lead our devotions tonight on Proverbs 9. She talked about choices we make in our lives, especially when it comes to helping others. After devotions, we celebrated Ashley and Ally's birthdays! We are so thrilled we get to share their special day with us.

I'm posting a few pictures tonight. Mr. G took most of the pictures today, but his camera battery needs charging. I'll be posting them asap tomorrow. So here's the link for now. Check back for more pictures. Good night!!!

UPDATE: All the pictures are now up!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 1 - Sunday, June 20

We made it!!! Richmond Tour 2010 has officially begun!!

After a wonderful lunch made by loving Christian hands, we headed off to Richmond. The trip was fairly uneventful (which was nice). We arrived around 6:30 p.m. and settled in at the hotel. For dinner, we headed to the Cheesecake Factory. YUM!! It was delicious!

After dinner, we met for our group time and devotion. Hannah and Sydney led our devotions. Hannah spoke on 1 Corinthians 13 and compared God's love for us to the love we need to show the people of Richmond. Sydney spoke on Jeremiah 20 and encouraged us to have the fire to touch lives this week on tour. It is truly a blessing to hear our youth speak. They are growing up into such fine young men and women.

I have help this year with pictures (Thanks Mr. G!!). A few of the youth have given me theirs, too. Hope you enjoy them. Blessings and peace!

OK, it's almost 2:00 a.m. and I'm tired! Instead of posting all the pictures on this blog tonight, I'm going to give you a link to the picasa album. All the pictures are there. I'm just too sleepy. Must rest... eyes closing...

Oh yeah... here's the link: